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Dads Lane Community Association has been around since the late 1930s and has been led by various community-minded people down the decades.

As current Trustees we want to help to create a space that is for the community by the community.

We want Pineapple House and garden to be a place where people of all ages feel welcome, and gain a sense of belonging and purpose. A place to ‘breathe’ and make time for one another in a world which can feel stressful and a bit lonely at times.

Every charity has to have key objectives (main purposes for why we’re here). You can find out about ours below… 

People from the local community have already come up with loads of exciting ways the space could be used. If you have ideas which fit into the purposes of DLCA, we’d love to explore them with you!
Volunteer montage

Charitable Objectives

The key things which drive why we do what we do…
Jigsaw pieces symbolising
Promote Wellbeing
To promote the wellbeing of residents, without distinction, in the Stirchley/Hazelwell/Kings Heath area of Birmingham.
Multiple hands together symbolising
Build Community
To work with others to improve all aspects of life (social, mental, physical, spiritual and educational) and to foster community spirit for the achievement of these and other charitable objects.
A house with a heart in it symbolising
Create Space
To operate a community facility in furtherance of the charitable objects.
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